Saturday, January 15, 2011

Meet Tiran

Tiran Rayman was my first Myote "character". As in, she was the first Myote with a name and personality. I remember walking through the tall grasses in the field behind my friend's back yard with Tiran's imaginary form padding happily beside me.

Her name actually came from my love for Dinosaurs... she is, as you can probably guess, named after the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Except I changed the Y to an I... which is kind of funny now since the main Myote vowel sound is Y.

Naturally, as Myotes originally started out on all fours, so did Tiran. :) As shown in previous posts, she has changed appearance quite a bit, but not entirely. She has always had her green necklace with the flower pendant and her bright blue eyes. Pictures of Tiran's progression through time can be found here.

Tiran is the daughter of Tulsa Rayman and King Aharamen Tyrril Clawflynt and is the third oldest in the clan of Aharamen after Chelsea and Matherine. As such, she is one of the seven rulers of J'baqre Ynaq, destined to end the war with the Sapyrs. Her representational moon is Hyfob - a opalescent sea-foam green colored moon that looms in the southern regions of the sky.

As a user of earth/nature magic, Tiran is what you would call a "tree hugger". Her absolute love for nature and the world around her does, however, make her incredibly bitter towards humans for the damage they inflict on the Earth.

Tiran is a warrior, and in charge of the Myotes military forces. While ferocious in battle, Tiran is very level headed and easy going. It is her level-headedness combined with her strength and fortitude that make Tiran a great leader, and a great warrior. Although Tiran is not fond of humans, she has spent quite a bit of time among them in order to study and learn new fighting techniques to use in battle. Her weapon of choice is a broadsword with a green rowans gem, carved into the shape of a leaf, set into the hilt. She also carries a dagger with her in case of close quarters and, of course, is not afraid to use her teeth and claws if need be.

Other than Mrinx, Tiran is probably the character with the strongest personality, as she has been around the longest and has had the most amount of time to build character with me. Needless to say, she is one of my favorites.

The picture to the left shows a very old drawing of Tiran's human form. This was probably done back around 1996. I will probably draw a new picture of her human form relatively soon.

So there is the run down on Tiran. Stay tuned for more character updates.

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