Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So what is a Myote anyway?

This particular post is about the transformation of a species from the time it was created until now. It shows how something can majorly change over time.

So what is a Myote anyway??

Myotes are, simply put, "monster coyotes". (Monster - onster) + (coyotes - co) = Myotes. Yes, I know it's kind of silly. Before you judge, keep in mind that these creatures were invented by ten year old kids. :)

So that's how they were named. Now, what are they exactly?

Humanoid canines. The original Myotes had six inch long fangs, like a saber tooth tiger, a long muzzle, five-fingered human-like hands, and a mane that ran from their foreheads down to their shoulders. They also only came with three eye colors. Red eyed Myotes were weak, yellow eyed Myotes were moderately strong, and blue eyed Myotes were the strongest.

They were also highly carnivorous - with humans being at the top of their dietary wish list. Their only weaknesses were music (apparently... it says so on that stats sheet anyway) and poison from a "certain" flower. Not clarified in the original drawing (pictured left), however, the certain flower was, in fact, a black lotus flower.

Originally, Myotes were quadrupeds, walking on four legs only. As time went on, however, they developed the ability to walk on their hind legs (pictured right). At this point in time, it was decided that it would be normal for female Myotes to not have manes. At the same time that the Myotes became bipeds, they also discovered Rowens gems- gems they used to channel energy-based magic.

In the picture to the right, you can see the first drawing of Tiran (center with flower garland), with Cyan playing the harp in the background, It looks like Chelsea is playing the drums (although I am not sure why I drew a mane on her), and Tamass is playing the flute in the corner. You can also see that a few of the Myotes in the drawing are wearing necklaces with Rowens gems.

It was not long before King Nicoli emerged with his desire to mutate and change Myotes (and anything else he got his hands on). Unfortunately, I can't find the first drawing I did of Cyan and Matherine after they were captured and mutated with dragon's blood. But one thing to note is that at the time that this mutation first emerged, Matherine and Cyan were the only Myotes that featured the heel-talon that all Myotes now have.

Soon after Matherine and Cyan's dragon-blood mutation, all Myotes emerged with the heel-talon. And then, a major development! Myotes began to wear clothes - developing their own cultural style of clothing as well as hair styles. You can see by the two drawings posted above of Tiran and Matherine, that they still maintained a five fingered hand. Myotes developed the three-fingered hand through sheer accident... If you look at the hand Tiran has on her waist in the above picture, it looks as though it has three fingers. I liked the way that looked, so I kept it.

So... muzzles got shorter, ears got longer, feet got bigger.... and lo and behold! The modern Myote!

In short, Myotes went from being ferocious beasts of the forest to becoming a civilized, cultured, and intellectual species. But that doesn't mean that they can't revert back into their former form... :)

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