Saturday, January 8, 2011

Unknown Darkness: Origins - Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls is the prequel I am working on to the Myote storyline. I say prequel because the stories I already have done take place after Darkness Falls. You could say that it is the main backstory for my stories.

The main character of Darkness Falls is Prince Aharamen Tyrril Clawflynt who is later known as King Aharamen.

So here's the basic storyline:

- Myoties are one of the original inhabitants of Earth. They share the planet with mankind and the wide variety of creatures that are now considered "mythical" in human culture. They are the advanced race while humans are still relatively primitive, tribal, and lack their own technology. They are responsible for creating the great wonders of the world as they have extremely advanced technology (including space travel), as well as the ability to harness certain energies to perform "magical" feats. Some Myoties believe that they should share their knowledge with humans, while others feel it is blasphemy against their culture.

-Their life on Earth is threatened when they find that an asteroid is heading towards the planet, so they build a sort of massive "ark", take samples of the species on Earth (including dragons, dinosaurs, unicorns, Pegasus', and the like as well as normal animal species), and prepare a massive evacuation of the planet. The humans decide that God will protect them, and choose to stay on Earth and face the danger. Some Myoties stay behind to watch over the humans, while the majority evacuate into space. Earth is hit by the meteor (the same one credited to killing off the dinosaurs) and the majority of life on the Earth is wiped out, save for a few species and a few humans. The Earth is essentially reset and begins it's progress through the time and history we know of following that moment.

-Meanwhile, the Myoties' ships land on a faraway planet that they affectionately name "J'baqre Ynaq" (translates roughly to "Wonderful Land"). It is a very lush, green planet. They strike up settlements and gradually release the species they brought with them that survived the trip. The Myote scientists discover that this planet's energy operates in a different manner than Earths. On Earth, when something dies, it becomes dirt, and feed the planet by returning to the planet in that manner. On J'baqure Ynaq", when a being dies, they become crystallized energy, known as "Rowens gems" which can be harnessed as a usable power source.

-Life progresses wonderfully for the Myotes, until they discover that they are not alone. Sapyres, a highly aggressive, and highly advanced race that lives off of the energy of other creatures, begin to attack the Myote settlers. With no where else to go, the Myotes make attempts to make peace with the Sapyres, with no positive results. Eventually, the altercations between the two races turns to a war that lasts for generations.

-The Origins story ends when our hero, Prince Aharamen, is betrayed to the Sapyres, but not before he hides one of his children, disguised as a human, in the world of men, to return one day to save his people.

Now, here's what I have written so far. A whopping two pages. LOL.

Note: The character, Anubis, is of course the Jackal headed Egyptian god. Myotes are a canine based species, and it is only fair that as one that stays behind to help the humans that he should be considered a "god" by the "primitive" humans.... tell me if it's lame. Ha ha ha


Prince Aharamen stepped out onto the palace balcony. The cool autumn air pricked his skin lightly. Today was just another day. Every day was just the same for Aharamen, and he knew that his day would be filled with his princely duties. His father, King Aharamen Cyris Clawflynt had made sure that Aharamen had been educated in the ways of the royal practices since the day he was able to walk. Though he knew his role well, Aharamen would have chosen a much different path for himself. But he was a prince and the only son of the clan of Aharamen. His responsibility would be to replace his father after he passed.

His gaze passed over the three pyramids of granite that stood out above the trees. Their surfaces glistened white in the sun, and the largest of the three sparkled where gold tipped its peak. These great pyramids were only a few of the massive land marks his people had placed around the planet in order to aid with celestial navigations. These particular pyramids were lined up exactly with the three stars in Orion’s belt. Prince Aharamen, himself, had set up this project. Space fascinated him, though he had not personally traveled through it as often as he would have liked. His position in the royal palace kept him much too busy for such luxuries. However, he studied the stars in his spare time and he often dreamed that some day he might explore the great unknown beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.

“Aharamen,” a dark, soothing voice boomed behind him. “Are you coming down to court?”

Aharamen sighed and turned to face his friend. “Of course, Anubis. Do I ever miss court?”

Anubis chuckled and shook his head. “Never. You’re too dedicated to your work for that.”

Anubis was Aharamen’s best friend. Unlike most of his kind, he was jet black from head to toe with a mane that matched. Anubis kept his mane cropped short, much like the humans he favored. Aharamen never understood Anubis’ infatuation with mankind. To Aharamen, humans were lesser beings, unworthy of respect, and definitely not worthy of admiration. Unlike his own species, humans lacked many essential traits for survival. They had no fur for warmth, they had no claws for climbing or defense, and their teeth were short and dull. Their senses were so poor that anything could walk up and bite them before they even noticed. Humans could not adapt, they expected everything to change to suit them.

But Anubis loved these helpless creatures. He showed them how to live beyond the savagery their species was accustomed to. He even shared technology with them, in hopes that some day the human mind could grasp the complexity of the Myote creations. Anubis was always trying to convince Aharamen of man’s potential, but Aharamen would never believe it until he saw it first hand.

Aharamen passed his friend and gently nudged him in the shoulder. “It’s called ‘duty’, nyfahtuf (brother). You should try it sometime.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Anubis asked, more amused than angry.

“Nothing, really.” Aharamen shook his head as he entered the hallway. “Just that you spend your days with primitives instead of focusing on bettering your own kind.”

Anubis heaved a heavy sigh. “Not this again! I’ve told you, they aren’t primitives. They are just as capable as we are, they just need-“

“Intelligence?” Aharamen cut in.

“Guidance,” Anubis finished curtly. “Look, I don’t know why you are so against them. Humans are wonderful creatures. They are so innocent.”

“For now.” The prince brushed back a lock of long, chocolate brown hair. “They will corrupt our knowledge and use it to destroy the planet. They might be innocent as beasts, but they lack the adaptability and intelligence and self control to use knowledge for anything but greed. You will see, Anubis. Besides, what is the point in sharing knowledge with such weak creatures? They are nothing but cattle. Our ancestors made meat out of them; it should have stayed that way.”

Anubis fell silent for a moment and then met his friend’s cold, green eyes. “You will never see the beauty in mankind until you see what a treasure their frailty is.”

Aharamen snorted. “Right. I will keep that in mind.”

The conversation ended and the pair silently wove their way through the corridors towards the courtroom, the sound of footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

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